Improve Your Oral Health Care with the Assistance of Sedation Dentistry

Improve your oral health care with the assistance of sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry is used to apply mild sedatives to a patient to help them relax and can range from a wide variety of treatments from a calming, relaxed feel all the way down to a deep sleep.

Listed below are some of the terrific ways sedation dentistry can be used in dentistry today:

– Sedation via pills that are ingested orally is called oral sedation, whereby pills can take up to an hour to work, but depending on the dosage, they are capable of initiating a mild relaxation to a total sleep-state.
– One common form of sedation is gas sedation, also known as inhaled minimal sedation, which uses a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide to form laughing gas, which is excellent for helping patients relax.
– The most well-known and common version of sedation is deep sedation, also called general anesthesia, which can cause patients to be put to sleep and remain asleep until the effects entirely wear off.
– A fast-acting and changeable form of sedation called IV moderate sedation directly injects sedatives into your bloodstream.

For a full diagnosis and treatment, please contact [practice_name] to book an appointment with Dr. [doctor_name] and our team at our dentist office in [city], [state]. Call us at [phone]. Let us help you achieve a healthy smile with the assistance of a sedation dentistry treatment!