Dental Emergency Care

A dental emergency can be traumatic in more wants than one. Aside from the physical effects of an accident involving your teeth and mouth, you may also have to cope with anxiety over incident itself and may have concerns about how severe the damage may be, and how long you will have to like with the injury. At Hampden Dental Care we understand that “unplanned appointments” are necessary from time to time, and our dentist, Dr. David Edlund can assist you with problems such as:

  • Severe, lasting toothaches or other types of tooth pain
  • A knocked-out tooth
  • A chipped or broken tooth
  • Damage to the soft tissues of the mouth, including the tongue, cheeks, lips, and gums
  • A cracked or fractured tooth
  • A partially knocked-out (extruded) tooth
  • A lost dental restoration, such as a lost filling or crown


When a dental emergency strikes in Lakewood, Colorado, contact our office at 303-586-4034 and we will schedule you for an appointment. Not only will we work with you to address the trauma to your body, but will find gentle and biocompatible methods to restore your oral wellbeing.